City Fruit

City Fruit
Annual Report 2020

City Fruit puts our urban orchard to its best and fullest use so that everyone in our community shares in the value of fruit. Urban fruit trees are a valuable community resource, yet often fruit goes unused because people are not sure when to harvest it, how to best use it, or they are put off by damage caused by preventable disease and pests. We are reclaiming the urban orchard, showing people how to harvest what they need, and to share the rest with others. We help tree owners grow healthy fruit, provide assistance in harvesting and preserving fruit, promote the sharing of extra fruit, and work to protect urban fruit trees.

I had the great pleasure of assisting City Fruit with their  2020 Annual Report.  You can browse this the full .PDF version and learn more about all the wonderful things they do to bring the community together at

If you have fruit trees on your property that produce more than you need, please consider partnering with City Fruit. Register your tree(s) with them or sign up for a U-Harvest Box  in 2022! 
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