just me

the bio

over the years I've written so many bios and answered questions for teams pages here are some of the
ways I've been asked to describe myself. 
to take a gander at a more traditional 
view of my professional life, my interactive resume 
is available for download below
download resume
07.2019 – In-house Corporate Design Team 

I’m that lady who is obsessed with PowerPoint, more specifically, I manage and execute great presentation design
on several fronts, from specialized templates, external marketing presentations to Exec Keynotes.
My current goal is working with the Exec Comms Managers to standardize the design engagement process, ultimately
leading to thoughtfully consistent design for the Exec Team’s Presentations. 
In the past, I worked for an agency doing PowerPoint design work for the Execs at Microsoft, it was a great gig while
I was young and wanted to travel. I learned so many things about excellence in leadership, design competition
and demanding innovation (in a good way). In-house design feels so much more like home to me, we have
dynamic and supportive leadership, thoughtful managers who encourage personal development and a totally
dope group of designers who just want to make cool shit. 

 PPT Facts 
1 I’ve made a PowerPoint about how to make a PowerPoint. #that’ssometa 
2 People don’t kill PPT slides, Bullets do! #themoreyouknow
3 I believe strongly, that bulleted lists should be three items long. #nomorenoless
Non- PPT Facts
1 This past March my partner Clint and I got married in Palm Springs with our immediate family. 
We fit right in, eating dinner at 4PM, falling asleep mid conversation and driving waaay to slow on the freeway. 

2 Teddy and Liam, our two Pomeranian tiny dogs weigh 12 pounds total, which is the average size of a cat,
30 hamsters or the smallest soda size you can buy at the movies these days. 

3 These are a few of my favorite things (right now): urban hikes, estate sales, Cheetos, cabin weekends,
Lou Reed’s Transformer, people watching, lilacs, lip balm, and hint water.

4 I love breaking rules, especially if they are my own and no one is paying attention! 

10.2011 – Agency Life  Website Bio

What are a few things you really believe in? 
Family, however you choose to define it.  That shit you hated hearing from your mom as a
child, “use your words”, 
“it will develop your character” and “always bring a jacket”

What work stuff really inspires you?
Helping coworkers problem solve, listening and coaching, being part of a great
collaborative team, and some good-old office shenanigans. 

lists, tiny pies, saltwater invertebrates, squished pennies,
Donald Duck and miniatures.

clowns and mascots, black licorice, children with jam hands,
revolving doors, using a broken escalator,  the word hate.
06.2007 – Recent College Graduate

What advice would you give to college kids?
1 Never let on how talented you are to your friends and family. They will exploit you!
2 Make three copies of everything! People lose things far too often. 
3 Lists should have three things in them. 

If you could go back in time to High School what would you do differently?
Take typing class more seriously and pay attention to formal letter writing, 
email communication isn't something they teach you in college. 
Participate in clubs, student government and all the BS, it looks great on a resume!

What do you plan on doing after graduation?
Live in my parent's basement, get a job, dabble in adulthood, see if I like it. 

I was interviewed by the Seattle Chapter of the Graphic Artists Guild 
about my work for a Sierra Club campaign I had completed.
download the article
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