Seattle Public Schools

Seattle Public Schools
Arts Advisory Committee

I volunteer with the Seattle Public School Arts Advisory Committee. A team made of Professionals in the arts industry and art teachers. We collaborate about what skills should be taught and why based on real time industry standards. This allows teachers curriculum feedback so they can get the skills students will need for the job market and higher learning. 

Another amazing thing that happens is we get to be guest speakers in classrooms. I had the opportunity to chat with some of Garfield's Journalism students about the trend in infographics and telling their story using data! We had time to go over my professional background, how to apply fact based data to their stories and then a quick tutorial in Illustrator. I wrapped up the whole thing with a takeaway for them on where they can access free or creative commons graphics, photos and fonts. 

If you would like to see the tutorial we did as a class take a look at Adobe's Illustrator Tutorials. If you would like the list of free resources students can use, please download the last page of the PowerPoint presentation, saved as a .PDF. 
download student resources
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